Installing GEOWATCH For Development

There are two methods for installing GEOWATCH in development mode. The first is a local install (recommended), and the second is using a docker image. This document goes over both options.

Option 1: Local Install

Install Python

Python 3.8+ is required for GEOWATCH. Python versions can be managed with either conda or pyenv. Working with conda is more beginner friendly, but pyenv has less commercial restrictions, but requires a compiler certain system libraries (e.g. openssl, sqlite3, readline, ffi, curses, bz2, etc..) to compile Python. If you are able to compile Python We recommend using pyenv.

To install pyenv, see the pyenv installation instructions.

To install conda, see the conda installation instructions.

NOTE: If using conda, do NOT use conda install to install Python packages, we only use conda to install the Python binaries. We exclusively use pip to manage packages.

Non-Python Requirements

There are several binary libraries that some components of the geowatch module might assume exist, but don’t have Python distributions. These are:

  • ffmpeg - for making animated gifs

  • tmux - for the tmux queue (to be replaced by slurm)

  • jq - for special kwcoco json queries

On Debian-based systems install these via:

sudo apt install ffmpeg tmux jq


Assuming you have cloned this repo, and you are in a Python virtual environment, cd into the root of the repo and then geowatch can be setup using the run_developer_setup script.

cd $HOME/code/watch
bash ./

or more explicitly via:

# Update Python build tools
pip install pip setuptools wheel build -U

# Install Kitware's gdal wheels
pip install -r requirements/gdal.txt

# Install linting tools
pip install -r requirements/linting.txt

# Install the main geowatch package with all development extras
pip install -e .[development,optional,headless]


You can test that geowatch is correctly installed by running the run tests script:


Option 2: Docker Image

This repository also includes a Dockerfile that can be used to build the GEOWATCH Docker image. The built Docker image will have the GEOWATCH Conda environment and GEOWATCH Python module pre-installed.

To build the conda Docker image:

docker build .

To build the pyenv Docker image:

# Requires pulling this file for new docker-buildkit syntax
docker login
docker pull docker/dockerfile:1.3.0-labs

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --progress=plain -t "watch_pyenv310" -f ./dockerfiles/pyenv.Dockerfile .

The usage of conda is no longer directly supported, but still exists for user convinience. However, pyenv is strongly recommended.