Contributing New Models to the WATCH Project

This document describes the required steps to share your model and model configuration files within the WATCH team. This guide assumes that you already have a model and the associated files ready to be shared.

Remember: NEVER COMMIT LARGE FILES DIRECTLY TO GIT! Git works well for small files. For large files we use DVC.

NOTE: PyTorch models with hyperparameters are typically are saved as .pt files whereas models files only containing weights are typically saved as .ckpt files.

NOTE: Check out docs/environment/getting_started_dvc.rst for more information regarding how DVC works.


  • The smart_expt_dvc has been locally cloned.

  • You have copied your model and associated files to the smart_expt_dvc repository.

Steps to sharing your model:

  1. Create a new branch for your model. For example, <feature_name>_MM_DD_YYYY. Using git switch -c <feature_name>_MM_DD_YYYY will create a new branch and switch to it.

  2. Track model and associated files using dvc add <file>. This will create a <file>.dvc file and move the <file> to the DVC cache.

  3. Track the newly created <file>.dvc file(s) using git add <file>.dvc.

  4. Commit the changes using git commit -m "<commit messaage>". E.g. git commit -m "Add <model_name> model and associated files.".

  5. Push the changes to the remote repository using git push. E.g. git push -u origin <feature_name>_MM_DD_YYYY.

  6. Create a merge request to merge your branch into the main branch.

Whats going on behind the scenes:

When you begin tracking files via DVC (step 2), your local DVC cache has a reference to that file. You can dvc push <file> -r <remote> to upload the file itself to a remote. However, at this point other people have no way of getting access to the file you just uploaded. You need to provide them with the small <file>.dvc, which is what they will use to query the DVC remote for that actual file. With our current default config that will automatically git add <file>.dvc for you, but if you didn’t set that up, then you would need to do that. Then you git commit to add the small <file>.dvc to the git repo, and git push so other people can git pull and get that small .dvc file. Now that other people have the .dvc file, they have enough information to retreive the actual data. They dvc pull <file>.dvc to do this.