The following is an SC baseline that uses the ground truth to pre-crop regions. Please see the docs in baseline_joint_bas_sc_2023-06-22.rst for more comments on the general process.

Use this code to get a feel for what parameters are available / required

from watch.mlops.smart_pipeline import *  # NOQA
dag = make_smart_pipeline('crop_sc')

# Show the graph structure of inputs and outputs

# List what known parameters are configurable
HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH=$(geowatch_dvc --tags='phase2_data' --hardware=hdd)
DVC_EXPT_DPATH=$(geowatch_dvc --tags='phase2_expt' --hardware=auto)

python -m geowatch.mlops.schedule_evaluation --params="

        ## SC CROPPING PARAMS ##

          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/KR_R001/
          - $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/KR_R002/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/AE_R001/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/BR_R002/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/CH_R001/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/NZ_R001/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/PE_R001/
          #- $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/Aligned-Drop7/BR_R004/

        # Because there is no BAS component here, we have to hard-code what
        # the annotations to use are. We will just use the truth annotations
        # here, but you could swap these out with specific BAS preditions of
        # interest.  (You can also use submatrices to tie regions - i.e.
        # site summaries - to crop paths, but if the polygons dont overlap
        # the data they are ignored, so we can just specify a glob of
        # everything here.)
        sc_crop.regions: '$HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/annotations/drop6/region_models/*.geojson'

        sc_crop.force_nodata: -9999
        sc_crop.include_channels: 'red|green|blue|quality'
        sc_crop.exclude_sensors: 'L8'
        sc_crop.minimum_size: '128x128@8GSD'
        sc_crop.convexify_regions: True
        sc_crop.target_gsd: 2
        sc_crop.context_factor: 1.5
        sc_crop.force_min_gsd: 8
        sc_crop.img_workers: 16
        sc_crop.aux_workers: 2

        ## SC PIXEL PARAMS ##

            - $DVC_EXPT_DPATH/models/fusion/Drop4-SC/packages/Drop4_tune_V30_8GSD_V3/
        sc_pxl.tta_fliprot: 0.0
        sc_pxl.tta_time: 0.0
        sc_pxl.chip_overlap: 0.3
        sc_pxl.input_space_scale: 8GSD
        sc_pxl.window_space_scale: 8GSD
        sc_pxl.output_space_scale: 8GSD
        sc_pxl.time_span: 6m
        sc_pxl.time_sampling: auto
        sc_pxl.time_steps: 12
        sc_pxl.chip_dims: auto
        sc_pxl.set_cover_algo: null
        sc_pxl.resample_invalid_frames: 3
        sc_pxl.observable_threshold: 0.0
        sc_pxl.mask_low_quality: true
        sc_pxl.drop_unused_frames: true
        sc_pxl.num_workers: 12
        sc_pxl.batch_size: 1
        sc_pxl.write_workers: 0

        ## SC POLY PARAMS  ##

        sc_poly.thresh: 0.07
        sc_poly.boundaries_as: polys
        sc_poly.resolution: 8GSD
        sc_poly.min_area_square_meters: 7200

        ## SC POLY EVAL PARAMS  ##

        sc_poly_eval.true_site_dpath: $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/annotations/drop6/site_models
        sc_poly_eval.true_region_dpath: $HIRES_DVC_DATA_DPATH/annotations/drop6/region_models

        sc_crop.enabled: 1
        sc_pxl.enabled: 1
        sc_pxl_eval.enabled: 1
        sc_poly.enabled: 1
        sc_poly_eval.enabled: 1
        sc_poly_viz.enabled: 0
    " \
    --pipeline=crop_sc \
    --root_dpath="$DVC_EXPT_DPATH/_drop7_baseline_sc_truth2" \
    --queue_name "_drop7_baseline_sc_truth" \
    --devices=",1" \
    --backend=tmux --tmux_workers=6 \
    --cache=1 --skip_existing=1 --run=1

The process level graph for this pipeline looks like this:

╙── sc_crop
    ├─╼ sc_pxl_eval
    └─╼ sc_poly
        ├─╼ sc_poly_eval
        └─╼ sc_poly_viz