Running CI LocallyΒΆ

This document aims to detail how to install the gitlab-runner and run a CI script locally.

Instructions on intalling the gitlab runner are here:

For ubuntu concise instructions are:

ARCH="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"
echo "ARCH=$ARCH"

# Download the runner
curl -LJO "${ARCH}.deb"

### Hash Verification
curl -LJO ""
python -c "if 1:
    import pathlib
    import subprocess
    deb_fname = 'gitlab-runner_${ARCH}.deb'
    fpath = pathlib.Path('release.sha256')
    known_hashes = fpath.read_text().split(chr(10))
    name_to_hash = dict([line.split(chr(9))[::-1] for line in known_hashes if line.strip()])
    x = subprocess.check_output(['sha256sum', deb_fname])
    hashval = x.strip().decode('utf8').split(' ')[0].strip()
    wanthash = name_to_hash['deb/' + deb_fname]
    assert wanthash == hashval

### GPG Verification
## See Also:
curl -LJO ""
curl -JLO ""
gpg --import
gpg --verify release.sha256.asc release.sha256

# Install the runner
sudo dpkg -i gitlab-runner_${ARCH}.deb

Now that the gitlab runner is installed try executing the linting job:

gitlab-runner exec docker run_linter

Now try the full strict and full loose job

gitlab-runner exec docker test_full_strict/pyenv-linux

gitlab-runner exec docker test_full_loose/pyenv-linux