Minimal DVC

Data Version Control (DVC) is program that helps maintain datasets. It has excellent documentation but, the number of things that it can do is enormous. The goal of this document is to provide a brief overview of minimal DVC usage, focusing only on the case of dataset management.

First we need to install dvc. Either see the official docs or assuming you have a Python environment:

pip install dvc[ssh,s3]

In this tutorial we assume you understand :

  • git

  • hashing

DVC builds on top of git.

A “DVC repository” can only exist inside of an existing git repository. In addition to your repositories root .git folder initializing dvc in a git repo (via dvc init) will create a special adjacent .dvc folder.

DVC requires a “remote cache”

DVC allows you to “check in” large files or folders (via dvc add <path>). However, these files are not stored in git. Instead dvc add will hash your file, and copy the data into your “local cache”, create a special <path>.dvc file which just contains the hash. The small *.dvc files that contain the hash is what you will commit to the git repo. The files themselves are stored in your local cache. You can “push” these real files to a remove with dvc push -r <remote-name>.

When you clone a git repo that contains a DVC repo, you are only cloning the git repo that contains these small *.dvc files. To obtain the real files you can dvc checkout <path>.dvc, and it will fetch the data that matches that hash from the remote cache and add it to your local cache.

Files managed by DVC will be visible in your local repo, but they will generally be symlinked to your local cache. For example if you clone a dvc git repo, and dvc checkout "bigfile.json", you will notice that "bigfile.json" will actually be symlink like: bigfile.json -> .dvc/cache/7b/ab735272e1b6dd4f0027d8fe123424.

An overview of the 4 locations to be aware of is illustrated:


    * Contains the ".dvc" files, which only store the hash corresponding to the real file


    * Contains the real data (stored in a hashed file tree)


    * This will contain the ".dvc" files. The raw data files will also
      appear here, but they will generally by symlinked to your cache


    * Usually this lives in your <repo>/.dvc/cache folder, but it can be
      configured to live elsewhere.  This just contains a copy of whatever
      data on the remote-dvc-cache that you "pulled" onto your local machine.

These locations are illustrated in the following image from the DVC docs*VIES1isu2zvmlZhJgIefYA.png


DVC is a pure python package. You can simply pip install it. Ensure that you include [ssh] to get the ssh dependencies, otherwise you wont be able to talk to remote servers. It is best practice to do this in a virtual environment.

pip install dvc[ssh]

Core Commands

The following links to the official documentation on core commands to use DVC minimally:


Because a checked out DVC file will be a symlink, if you need to modify a file, you will generally need to run dvc unprotect <path>, which will replace the symlink with a copy of the real file. Then you can modify it as desired. Once you are finished you can run dvc add <path>, which will check in the new hashed file to the cache and modify the <path>.dvc file, which can then be checked into git. You must then run dvc push <path>.dvc -r <remote> to ensure the new data exists on the remote, otherwise when others check out your new .dvc file, that corresponding hashed data won’t exist in the remote cache!.

You can modify where your local cache directory lives. This is very useful for shared machines that serve as the remote itself.

dvc cache dir --local /data/shared/dvc-cache/smart_watch_dvc

You can tell DVC about credentials needed to login to a remote server, otherwise you will be prompted for a password each time.

dvc remote modify --local horologic user $AD_USERNAME
dvc remote modify --local horologic url ssh://

dvc remote modify horologic user jon.crall
dvc remote modify horologic url ssh://
dvc remote modify horologic port 22

dvc config core.check_update False

Use Cases

Change the name of a directory managed by dvc. Use dvc move on the file itself (not the dvc file).

Change the name of a file inside a directory manged by dvc. Use regular mv on the file and then dvc add the dvc managed directory.